
daytime postpartum support

Postpartum doula support is the most incredible service for families! Most families are familiar with the overnight support doulas provide, but are less familiar with the daytime care. Both types of support are wonderful. Many families find that having a combination of both daytime and overnight support adds to the quality of life with a new baby.

Doulas are amazing and your doula will take the very best care of you, your baby, your family and your household. She may be the only person in your life reminding you to take it easy, nap, care for yourself and she will validate your many feelings.

The following are the top five most amazing things you can do when you have daytime postpartum support.

  1. You can take a nap– This is something that all moms dream of and may hope for everyday, but it just never seems to happen. Most days we wake up thinking I’m going to nap today, but it NEVER happens. A doula WILL make this happen for you!
  2. You can catch up with friends and emails– Sending emails and talking to friends does not always come easily when you have a new baby. Typing one handed gets pretty old. We can help. We will take care of your baby and you can catch up with friends and join the world again.
  3. Drink a warm cup of tea or coffee– This may not seem like a luxury yet, but you will quickly understand once your little one arrives. There is nothing like a warm beverage. We will not only carve out this time for you, but we will also make you a cup of tea or coffee and remind you to relax and enjoy! Moms NEED this reminder.
  4. You can have a friend over – If you are not ready to adventure out yet you can still have time with a friend. We will take care of everything so you can relax and enjoy your time. You will feel like an adult again.
  5. Take a bath – A bath can be the most relaxing event of a day. Us moms don’t always get the opportunity to relax and regroup. Your doula will not only draw a bath for you and make the time for it to happen, but she will hand you a book and a cup of tea when you get out. She will remind you that you deserve self care!

The most amazing thing about daytime doula support is while you are napping, relaxing, enjoying your friends and having some me time your doula will keep your baby happy, your house tidy and make a nice meal for your family.

You deserve this pampering. You just had a baby.